Application for quarrying or extraction

The quarrying or extraction of rock, limestone, block stone, gravel, peat or other types of soil are considered to be extraction activities. Almost all extractions are subject to prior permission. In the vast majority of cases, permits for extraction activities are issued by the Environmental Inquiry Office (Miljöprövningsdelegationen) within each respective County Administrative Board.

We at GeoPro have considerable experience of extraction activities, permit applications and inquiry procedures. We are able to help you through the entire application process or with specifically selected parts.

The application process in a Swedish Environmental Code matter is extensive. We carry out sampling, inventory and mapping, assist in and lead the consultation process. We take an overall responsibility for procurement of the investigations necessary for a complete application. Investigations frequently needed as a foundation for the environmental impact assessment include noise and vibration investigations as well as nature value and bird inventories.

We also assist in case of a reviewed decision. GeoPro usually and willingly take an overall responsibility for the application process!

When the permit has gained legal effect, we also assist you in forming a control program for your business.

GeoPro is a member of the branch organisations Sveriges Bergmaterialindustri, SBMI, Sveriges Stenindustri Förbund, STEN and Svensk Torv.
